5 Ways On How To Make Him Miss You

how to make him miss you

It can be very frustrating when you have a special someone whom you miss more than you miss them! It feels as though they don’t need your attention, and you’re lacking the affection that you have always longed for. Perhaps you are wondering how to make him miss you.

Why giving too much attention is counter-effective

Human psychology is quite fascinating. Do you notice that when something is readily available, you don’t value it that much? Take for example comparing toilet papers to gold. When people use toilet paper for their business, they use it generously and have no doubts about throwing it away. However, when people find gold, they treasure it so much that they would even go to great lengths to pursue it.

If you are thinking of ways on how to make him miss you, perhaps you should apply the toilet paper and gold lesson I mentioned. Just kidding! I will further explain what I mean about this, and how to make him miss you even more.

Take control of your value

There’s a saying that goes, you attract what you allow. This means that whatever behaviors you put up with, those are the people and situations that you bring in your life. If you don’t tolerate negative behaviors, the more that it will stay away from you.

This is a lesson I learned from my old relationships, and I am sharing my experiences so that people can have the ideal relationship that they have been wishing and praying for.

Remembering your value is a topic that I was able to look into a guide called “Meet Your Sweet”, with a list of effective programs to help initiate and sustain attraction in your relationships. Making him miss you is just one area, but the guide gives comprehensive instructions to help you develop mindsets in being attractive to your significant other. Check them out if you want to learn more.

Without further adieu, here are some of the ways on how to make him miss you.

How to make him miss you: 5 strategies

Don’t bombard him with calls and messages

When something doesn’t feel right, it may be in your instinct to keep on calling or messaging him. The tension and the thought of something wrong may happen may cause you to just message him at least 20 times a day and call him 10 times a day–even when he’s busy!

This is a no-no if you want him to truly long for you. This decreases your value and may even be border annoying. No, it’s not cute or sweet–it’s obsessive!

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Pursue your personal hobbies

Often the cause of relationship desperation is the lack of personal goals in your life. Don’t make your husband, boyfriend, or significant other the center of your universe. You must have your own personal goals that make you feel fulfilled nonetheless.

To think of personal hobbies that you can do, list down some things that bring you joy–for example, I really enjoy writing so I like making blogs. I also enjoy cooking, baking, and playing music when I have time.

Remember that pursuing your hobbies should be done not with the intention that you want to be distracted, but to really pursue them out of passion.

Also read: What to do when my husband is depressed?

Feel good about yourself

Another way on how to make him miss you is to feel good about yourself. When you’re insecure, you often want to seek his attention all the time. But when you feel good about who you are, and are confident in your own skin, you will less likely to look desperate around your significant other.

You can start by making personal goals to improve your health, like dieting and exercise. You can also experiment with fashion and make-up, or anything else that can make you feel good about yourself! It’s different for everyone. My suggestion is to look at Pinterest for practical tips. Another Bible verse to help keep you motivated is remembering that your body is a Temple of God:

Being a temple means taking care of your body in all aspects–physically, mentally, emotionally and most of all, spiritually. Holistic care of yourself can help you honor God better and feel confident about who you are.

Also read: What to with in laws you hate?

be extra sweet when he’s around

These strategies don’t mean you should be a snobbish cat that doesn’t show emotions to your loved one. A part of loving someone means you give the “best” kind of love. Note that I said “best” not “overpowering”.

Love knows how to hold back and be patient when needed. Love also means you can be the sweetest when they’re around. If you want to know how to make him miss you, give it your best when he is around.

Be a prize

In summary, remember that you are valued and loved, even more than your significant other. You should act like you’re a prize, not only because you want to attract your partner, but because the God of the universe values you:

Sparrows or birds that you see outside every day don’t worry about the things they don’t have in their life because God provides for them. How comforting it is to know that God values us even more than sparrows!

In conclusion, remember that God doesn’t want you to lose value in yourself. As you develop these mindsets, it will occur more naturally for you to know how to make him miss you, and more importantly, to know that you are valued no matter what.

Discover how to make him miss you!

Are you wanting to find out ways on how to make him miss you? Check out the guide I mentioned earlier for a comprehensive way to incorporate attraction techniques.

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