6 Secrets of a Quiet Husband That You Need to Find Out

quiet husband

They say that there are two types of people: the introverts and the extroverts. Some people claim themselves as one over the other, while some people would say they are a combination of both. When it comes to marriage, we all have different personalities, too. Some wives can be quiet, but the quiet husband is more of the stereotype.

Perhaps you may the kind of wife that wants to know what’s on his mind.

Is he hiding something? Is something wrong, is there anything that’s bothering him?

You are prompting him to talk but the words just won’t come out.

What’s a wife to do?

In this post, we will be looking into 6 usual thoughts of a quiet husband. Through this article, you will also learn to:

  • respond appropriately
  • learn how to encourage him
  • to help him to open up

So if you’re interested, read further.

Mend your marriage: Watch this video

Brad Browning is a relationship coach and divorce expert that has helped thousands of couples rework on their marriage. In a video he made, he presented powerful strategies that can help you mend your marriage instantly. You can watch his video through this link.

6 Secrets of a Quiet Husband That You Would Want to Uncover

1. He is bothered with a work-related issue

Just because he is quiet, it doesn’t mean that the issue is about you or the relationship. Sometimes, it could be work problem that’s so bothersome but he feels like it’s too draining to discuss at home.

Guys are known to be compartmentalized. They like to deal with things one at a time. This is true with work, and even with relationships.

So when your quiet husband comes at home and you feel like he doesn’t want to deal with it, your next move would be to provide him with affection that he needs. Perhaps a gentle touch without being too inquisitive is enough. Preparing him a nice meal will also lighten up his mood.

2. He likes to rest his mind

Guys are quiet not necessarily because they’re contemplative. As women, we sometimes fail to understand that guys simply want to rest their minds.

Perhaps that’s difficult to comprehend because women like to think all the time. In fact, most women say “nothing” when they mean “something”! Isn’t that confusing?

Guys are different. When they say “nothing’s wrong”, most of the time, nothing really is wrong. Trying to extract answers from your man during a time that he’s tired will only cause him to withdraw further. During these moments, it will be helpful to give him some space in his man cave, and he will be recharged fully.

3. He is planning ahead for your future

Here is another difference between women and men. Women like blurting out the things that they plan about, talking about every detail there is in the sun. Most men can concentrate more when they are quiet, and they would rather map the ideas in their mind in a linear manner.

Even if he isn’t thinking ahead on the grand scale of things, it could something as simple as planning your day! Perhaps he is thinking of bringing you to that sushi place you’ve always wanted to go, but he needs to gas up the car first. Find a babysitter before leaving, and picking up milk from the nearest K-mart. Isn’t that sweet? The only thing you need to do is wait and be surprised.

4. He is physically tired

Men don’t usually enjoy talking especially when they’re exhausted from physical activities. This is especially true if your man has a vigorous job, or he just came home from a long workout at the gym. Don’t expect him to talk about his newest gains or about the coolest TV series you’ve been watching so far.

Again, don’t assume that the problem is about you. Most men are straightforward, and they would say if something is bothering them about a relationship. In this case, give him something to drink, or a short body massage will do. Just ask about his day, but don’t pry if he doesn’t try to say something further.

5. He wants some ‘me’ time

“Me” time isn’t synonymous to “I’m mad with you”. It also isn’t synonymous to “Something’s wrong with our relationship”. In fact, it could be even beneficial to give your man some time for himself. Whether it’s watching TV, playing video games, or taking a quick nap, you can tell that your man needs alone time when you sense that he’s starting to be quiet.

Or it could be that he prefers to be quiet with you. Sometimes, the best moments are the silent ones in each other’s presence.

6. He would rather listen to you

Instead of forcing him to talk, perhaps you should be the one talking instead? It’s a myth that most guys do not want to listen. In fact, they love to listen as long as we give them the opportunity, too.

Don’t just tell a story mindlessly. Give him a chance to ask you more questions, to interact with you, and to let him comprehend what you’re saying. Talk about the fun highlights of each other’s day.

It isn’t just about digging into each other’s lives, it’s also about showing each other’s treasures as well.

These are just some of the view unspoken thoughts of a quiet husband. However, if you feel like there’s something deeper than a plain external situation, then it may be best to do something to mend your marriage.

Mend your marriage: Watch this video

Brad Browning is a relationship coach and divorce expert that has helped thousands of couples rework on their marriage. In a video he made, he presented powerful strategies that can help you mend your marriage instantly. You can watch his video through this link.

Do you have a quiet husband?

Do you have a husband who’s silent most of the time? Perhaps you may need specific advice on how to deal with his passiveness? We are here to help. For marriage consultation and one-on-one coaching, you can reach us through our Services page.

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