Nothing is more unattractive than constantly nagging your partner. When dissatisfaction arises, we have the tendency to ask for things. When this doesn’t happen, we keep on reminding them angrily, and that turns into a nag! How do we put a stop to this? How do you exactly stop nagging your husband?
Something I learned
I was disciplined growing up to clean my own mess, and even as a girl I am used to being hygienic with myself. But when I lived with my husband under the same roof, I was irked with how different men are from women!
Me when he does what I asked him to do!
You see, it is fine for men to sometimes sleep without taking a shower, or to leave unwashed dishes in the sink. However, this irked me and I kept reminding my husband to do these tasks. How I wish he would do these things without asking! I nagged endlessly, showing my annoyed demeanor when he doesn’t do these tasks.
When things get out of hand, he would sometimes respond with annoyance as well. Here is something I learned when trying to communicate with my husband:
This is what I learned from the Save Your Marriage Course, which talked about the best communication techniques that will help you find to build a stronger relationship with your spouse.
I highly recommend this course, and if you are struggling with deeper issues, I encourage you to try enrolling at this guide course to help you out.
Here are some of the tips I recommend if you want to stop nagging your husband.
5 Ways to Stop Nagging Your Husband
1. End with a question mark, and not an exclamation point
Most women, when confronted with feelings of annoyance usually end their statements with an exclamation point. This results in a heightened emotion and a louder voice. Your husband may interpret this as being annoyed, and may in turn also respond in an annoyed manner.
Or even worse, he might even ignore you!
To change this, you also need to change the way you communicate. In language, your content can be the same, but your form can be different. There are two ways to say if you want him to put his dirty clothes in the laundry bag:
“Just put your freaking clothes in the laundry bag! It’s always on the floor!”
“Honey, can you place your clothes in the laundry bag?”
Now, which one sounds more loving? People usually respond to kindness and not through aggression.
2. Be appreciative
When you finally get your husband to do what needs to be done, it is important to praise him even for this simple thing! This is the only way to stop nagging your husband. Do not add negative statements such as a sarcastic “Finally!” or “It’s about high time!” as this will only heighten the tension between you and your husband.
Be more appreciative by saying “Thank you” and specifying what he did. The more that his works are appreciated, the more that he will be likely to do it without being asked.
3. Let him feel the consequences of an unfinished task
Some wives always nag because of their controlling attitude. They want their husbands to do something, and yet they do not want to let them see the consequences of not finishing the task. A great way to convince your husband to do what he has to do is for him to see the consequences of skipping the work needed.
For example, you may have asked him to take away the trash in your bedroom. You can sacrifice by not doing the task yourself for some time, and he will notice the negative effects of a trash-filled, smelly garbage bin. When he sees the effect of his inaction, the more he will be motivated to do it.
4. Set an example
Another way to stop nagging your husband is by setting an example. Some wives like to order around, but they do not like to do their part.
Understand that your husband has responsibilities apart from you–he may have work, or he does other household tasks or maintenance that you cannot perform at the moment.
So if you need extra help, you may need to set an example of how to do the work. Your husband may be willing, but he needs you as a model to do it consistently. This is especially true if you want him to adopt good habits such as exercise or eating healthily.
5. Encourage your husband with his strengths
Often the cause of a nagging wife is when she is asking her husband to do something that he is not good at. He could be inefficient with ironing clothes or doing the laundry. Another way to solve this is to see which ones he is good at.
Maybe your husband is good at helping the kids with the homework. Maybe he works well with sweeping the floor. Whatever it is, you can request him to do the tasks he enjoys and those which he is good at.
Do not let nagging get the in way
The only way to stop nagging your husband is to learn how to communicate effectively. You can save your marriage by practicing good communication habits, as I have also learned in this course. Make sure to check it out if you are interested.
Do you need help solving your marriage problem? Perhaps you are someone who is struggling with your married life. If you need marriage advice, make sure to contact us and we are willing to give you specific relationship coaching to help you improve how you communicate with your spouse.
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Published by lifewithgormleys
Hello, my name is Angeline. I am a speech therapist by profession but I am passionate about a lot of things and I always want to write about them. Nice seeing you here!
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