How To Stop Husband From Leaving: Steps To Take

how to stop husband from leaving

There are times in our lives that no matter what we do, we can’t prevent painful situations from happening. We become frustrated because we know we tried our best to fight for it and still see it crumble before our very eyes. We gave our all, but it still isn’t enough to save it. These moments can vary in a person. It can be at school, at work, and in friends. And most of all, these painful moments can happen in marriages, as well. You may be wondering about how to stop husband from leaving, or saving your relationship situation.

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One of the most hurtful moments in a marriage is when one spouse reached a point in his life where he doesn’t want to put the effort into working out the relationship anymore. He has internal reasons that led him to the decision to just give up and leave. The other wants to stay and fight for what they have but the other would rather quit the marriage.

Are you currently experiencing this now? Is your spouse on the verge of giving up on your marriage? Are you looking for ways on how to stop husband from leaving?

[Special] How to stop husband from leaving: Relationship expert reveals a solution

According to relationship expert Lee Baucom, it is possible to save your marriage even if you’re the only one who wants to do the saving. This may be a desperate situation, but you can do some of these steps he discussed in the video. If you’re wondering about how to stop husband from leaving, I encourage you to watch what he has to say.

If you feel like your marriage is in trouble, I would like to help you cope with what you are going through. There are steps you can take that might save your marriage.

How to stop husband from leaving: Steps to take

Have a heart to heart talk

One important way to preserve a relationship is communication. For a relationship to develop and grow, it is crucial that both partners learn to communicate what they need to communicate, may it be to resolve conflict or to simply strengthen it through affirmation and love.

For you to know how to stop husband from leaving, be ready to confront the problem by having a heart to heart talk with him. Your goal in having this talk is to understand his reasons why they want to leave and acknowledge that those reasons may be valid. It is important that you need to open your mind to accept what his reasons are and not be defensive. Let him know that you are willing to listen to him and communicate your side as well. Choose to have a heart to genuinely listen and understand him.

Find ways to communicate better

After deciding to have a heart to heart talk with him, find ways for you to have better communication with him.

[Special] Communication Miracles for Couples

Do you want to create more love and less conflict in your marriage? In this book called “Communication Miracles for Couples”, psychotherapist Jonathan Robinson reveals some ways to do just that.

Create lasting harmony and keep love alive with psychotherapist and bestselling author Jonathan Robinson’s powerful and simple methods for effective couples’ communication. For anyone who wants to enhance their relationship by learning to communicate with less blame and more understanding Communication Miracles for Couples will show you how. Find in Amazon.

Despite the reason that he presented, make sure that you control your emotions, be gentle with your words, and avoid blame shifting. It is in these times where it is easy to point out the flaws of your husband and blame them for things that have happened. However, if you want resolution, blame shifting is not the answer. Instead of inclining to blame him, aim to solve the problem between you two. Avoid building a case towards your husband and communicate what you feel rather than what his flaws are.

Again, your aim is to understand your husband and find solutions to preserve the relationship.

Ask if he is willing to go counseling

After having a talk with your husband, ask him if he is willing to go to counseling. Both of you can seek out a spiritual couple or people you trust that can mentor you both in your marriage. Make sure that it is a mutual decision and that both of you agree on the counselor you will choose. Once you have both agreed on this, be ready to be vulnerable during these times and both of you should aim to resolve what needs to be resolved in your marriage.

In times like these, going to counseling is beneficial since you and your spouse can have insights from people that are not involved emotionally with the problem, which means they can give fresh ideas and solutions that both of you find it hard to see.

Pray and surrender it to God

Lastly, the best way to know how to stop husband from leaving is praying and surrendering it to God.

Remember that you cannot control your husband and only God can change his heart. So, learn to let go and surrender your husband and situation to God. After doing this, let God do the rest. Do your part by nurturing your prayer life, making sure to fight for your husband through prayer. In this way, you are humbling yourself before God, acknowledging that only He can save your marriage.

When you do this, have an expectant heart. Wait on how God would move in your marriage and look forward on how he would redeem it. Never stop praying for your husband.

I hope these ways can help you how to stop husband from leaving. Even though you are going through this storm in life, know that you are not alone. There are a lot of people who love you and know that God is with you on this, every step of the way. Steady your heart, be brave, do what you must do, and surrender everything to God. He will never leave you.

Don’t forget to check the links mentioned above!

Written by: Hannah Aloyon

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