How To Entertain Baby Without TV: Curious Baby Cards

how to entertain baby without tv

We live in a world saturated with digital media, that many parents often think that it is impossible to find screen free activities for toddlers and babies. It is easy to assume that there’s practically no way to entertain your baby without having to use a screen. Thankfully, there are resources available if you’re wondering how to entertain baby without TV.

This post is sponsored by Curious Baby™, a successful early childhood company offering card sets with activity suggestions from babies and toddlers 0-12 months. Using evidence-based and developmentally-appropriate strategies, parents, and caregivers can keep something handy to remember functional activities for learning. Visit Curious Baby™ to know more.

As a parent and a Speech-Language Pathologist, I am very aware of developmental milestones, which makes me always want to use play as an opportunity to learn. However, what I know is more about language and communication–I want to find activity suggestions that are well-rounded and targets several areas such as motor skills, cognition, and socio-emotional development.

So, I would like to thank Curious Baby™ for sending this wonderful resource over. Using these card sets, I will provide suggestions on screen free learning activities you can do at home.

How to entertain baby without TV: Suggestions for activities

Use interesting visuals

Visuals can be in the form of pictures, books, or even actual objects. At the early stages, babies are just starting to develop clearer vision. This is the time to pique their interest and develop their cognitive skills by using colorful things.

Curious Baby™ activity cards at 0-3 months section present a wonderful list of activities with complete instructions on how to present interesting visuals and what materials to use. The cards also explain the rationale behind each activity, making them purposeful not just for parents, but even babysitters who need ideas to do with your children.

Balls are your friends

Playing with ball targets so many skills. You can teach motor skills such as holding or throwing a ball, kicking a ball, taking turns throwing or rolling, or even learning to say the word or approximation of “ball”.

In the 4-6 months section of Curious Baby™, you will see complete instructions on how you can use balls to play and learn. You will also see what kinds of balls to use for playing as well.

The great thing about playing balls is they are very versatile. There are so many things you can teach just by playing something as simple as a ball. Plus, they keep baby’s attention for quite a while!

Interesting sounds

Your baby’s first year is a time of whole sensory development. This includes their hearing acuity and the ability to keep interested when they hear different types of sounds. You can use different objects that make varying sounds to keep them entertained.

You don’t have to spend a lot on rattles or musical toys! In fact, Curious Baby™ cards at section 7-9 months also teaches parents and caregivers to quickly make toy sets with interesting sounds using household materials. Also, the great bonus is that these cards also teach you how to make these materials safely, without posing choking hazards on your baby.

Build, build, build

Toys and other homemade materials that encourage your child to build, such as blocks or cups are helpful when you are looking for screen free learning activities.

Instead of letting your child watch too much TV or play with gadgets, you can enhance their creativity by giving them building toys. An age-appropriate activity that I found in the Curious Baby™ cards 10-12 months mentioned that I can use blocks and cups to target several skills. They also suggested alternatives for toy blocks and cups when your baby is bored of playing with the same thing over and over again.

These are just some of the suggestions, but it is best to have a list of these activities in handy for yourself, grandparents, or babysitters who are interacting with your child! In case you run out of ideas, Curious Baby™ cards can be helpful, portable tool to get screen free activities for toddlers and babies.

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