Virtual Learning Tips For Parents: Demby’s Playful Parables

virtual learning tips for parents

Being back to school looks very different for many students this year. The current pandemic sent shockwaves of change within the educational system. With social distancing rules in place, many parents have opted to do homeschooling, virtual learning, or mixed classes. As this is something new, perhaps you’re one of those looking for information on virtual learning tips for parents.

This post is sponsored by Kyri Demby, the author, and creator of books such as Simon the Self Control Seal and Youtube channel called Demby’s Playful Parables. Kyri Demby is an experienced teacher, bestselling author, public speaker, musician, and content creator whose goal is to make students and parents’ lives better each day through education.

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The New Normal In Education: Virtual Learning Tips and Tricks

Although I am still not a parent of a school-aged child, I could understand the dilemma that most families face. Many are still anxious about sending their child to school because of the current pandemic, and they are looking for virtual learning tips for parents to know exactly how to get started.

virtual learning tips for parents

Thus, I have sought the advice and content of an experienced teacher, both in virtual and physical settings in order to make this school year a success for you and your child.

Virtual Learning Tips for Parents: Make In-Home Education a Success

Prepare an arsenal of virtual learning materials beforehand

The first key is to prepare a list of virtual learning materials for each core subject and other topics that your child needs to learn. Since schools have a large resource of materials and teachers who can supply them, you must also be prepared to ‘create’ such an environment for your child. Core subjects include:

  • English Language Arts
  • Math
  • Science
  • Geography and History

This of course, all depends on your specific state and school. Having a variety of learning tools such as videos, websites, educational games, music, and virtual reading material on each subject will make you fully equipped for the school year ahead.

Finding books and resources for character education

Did you know that all teachers, when creating lessons plans, have to consider character education as an embedded topic? This is especially true for Christian and other religious-based schools, but it is mostly applicable for all schools in general.

This is why you need to find books that are geared towards character education as well, such as Kyri Demby’s Simon the Self Control Seal.

We love Simon the Self Control Seal because it teaches values such as self-control and regulation using fun and interesting characters. In the book, Simon the seal practiced self-control by taking deep breaths, thinking about what he is supposed to do, and even inspired others to do so.

Using books with interesting characters while teaching positive character traits is a helpful tool for parents to explain abstract concepts such as honesty, self-regulation, or kindness.

I encourage you to check out Kyri Demby’s list of character education materials in Amazon.

You can also check out Demby’s Playful Parables in Youtube to find wonderful character education songs for your children to watch as well. Here is the latest values learning video from Kyri Demby’s channel, which is called “Kindness Is Cool”:

Setting up a designated area and structured schedule

One of the most vital virtual learning tips for families especially when all members are at home is to set up a specific area at home for learning. When you simply study anywhere, there can be so much distractions that it takes a lot of effort to be productive.

Thus, Kyri Demby suggests that you make a designated area for studying where all the resources along with a desk and a visual schedule can be seen. It should be away or at least partitioned from the living area or other parts of the home with high levels of distractions.

A structured schedule is also essential for school aged children, so they can know what to expect, plus it also teaches them that they have to engage in the activity until such a time that the schedule says otherwise.

If you also want to learn more about virtual learning tips for parents and teachers on academic subjects, classroom management, and character education, you can also check out Kyri Demby’s second channel called Demby’s Teaching Tips. Below is a sample video on how to teach spelling:

Outsource virtual help

A common dilemma for virtual learning is time management. Some families may feel like they are not equipped to take over their child’s education themselves, having other responsibilities. Thus, many are also looking for virtual learning tips for working parents. Although Kyri Demby believes that any parent can be equipped to teach their child, there is no shame in getting the help you need.

In fact, virtual tutors, teachers, and coaches are everywhere to even boost your chances of in-home schooling. Virtual teachers are well-equipped in using resources such as video conferencing, sending over, and checking assignments online via digital platforms, as well as other tech-based skills needed for your child to succeed.

If you want to know more about Kyri Demby’s virtual learning services, classes, and speaking engagements, you can reach out to him via email.

That’s it! I hope you found this blog post helpful. The journey through virtual learning can feel like uncharted territory, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. With these tips and strategies, you and your child can succeed this school year!

Don’t forget to check out Simon the Self Control Seal and other books by Kyri Demby.

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10 thoughts on “Virtual Learning Tips For Parents: Demby’s Playful Parables

  1. These are some great tips. This school year is definitely not going to be like any others in the past. It definitely helps to be as prepared as possible.

  2. It is good to have learning tools like these. I am not familiar with these, and it is nice to know about resources out there.

  3. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips! Character education is really important and I love how this are taught in Kyri Demby’s children’s books. I’ll definitely check it out on Amazon!

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