Best Spring Cleaning Checklist: Jólét Co. Aromatics

best spring cleaning checklist

As the temperatures turn warm and spring comes in full swing, some of us have the itch to tidy up our homes even more. Getting rid of junk, organizing closets, beds, shelves, and even rearranging furniture can come into play. This is probably one of the reasons why you are looking for the best spring cleaning checklist to level up your housework this coming season.

This post is brought to you in part by Alexandra Belton, the founder, and owner of Jólét Co. As a Detriot-based business, Jólét Co. strives to provide aromatics and lip products of the highest quality. Ingredients used for Jólét Co. products are hypoallergenic, free from mineral oils, as well as toxins recognized in the California Proposition 65 list. Elevate your life and your beauty without harming your health–to know more, visit the Jólét Co. main website.

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Best Spring Cleaning Checklist: My Personal Story

A clean, good-smelling home is one of my biggest de-stressors. Do you know the feeling when you arrive in your home after a long day, and you can indulge in a soft and clean bed, and the whole room smells wonderful? That is what I am always striving to achieve.

When my home is organized and smelling fresh, I am at peace. As a mom, it even gets more challenging to achieve a satisfying level of tidiness when you’re constantly looking after little ones. However, it can be done with the help of some spring cleaning must haves that you can equip yourself.

Whether you are planning to do some deep cleaning in your home, or just want your placing looking and smelling fresh, here are some tips that can help you understand what to do for spring cleaning as inspired by the line of products in Jólét Co.

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Best Spring Cleaning Checklist: Top Items To Get The Work Done

Fresh scents for the bedroom

If you’re looking for some spring cleaning must haves to eliminate odor, our top recommendation is Jólét Co.’s Fresh Linen Aromatics. This all-around odor eliminator is potent yet gentle. Just one or two sprays will help you brighten up the scent of the room, making it feel fresh and clean.

One of the spring cleaning must do’s are changing up your sheets. You start by removing the linen sheets and vacuuming the mattress for small debris, crumbs, and hair. After tossing the old linen to the laundry and replacing them with a hidden stock from your linen closet, put on some Jólét Co.’s Fresh Linen to avoid that ‘musty’ or ‘moldy’ scent.

Bathroom overhaul tools

The bathroom is one of those house areas that have compounded grime and dirt throughout the year. No matter how much cleaning you do weekly or monthly, there are still nukes and crannies you can miss out, which can surprise you.

What really helped me is to have a separate toilet brush, bath tub brush, and a sink brush to get rid of all those stains. This helps eliminate cross-contamination and keeps your surfaces clean, removing the hidden molds, mildew, or even tough calcification!

After brushing (which I do at least monthly), I make sure to spray on some overall odor eliminator like Jólét Co.’s Clarity Green Tea and Lemongrass Scent. This smell of this product is easy to love, especially if you have loved ones who are sensitive to certain types of scent bases. It is also ideal if you have a half bathroom–it will leave a pleasurable lasting impression on how you keep your home!

Organizing closet space

Moms are always on the business of organizing, especially kids spaces. To help in sorting out your own and your children’s clothes, look for storage boxes and sort them according to how clothing stores organize: Tops, bottoms, dresses, jackets, formal wear, active wear, sleep wear, etc. This will help eliminate kids trying to pull out folded clothes from the bottom, causing the mess that you deal with from time to time.

If you have a large collection of clothes, sometimes it is unavoidable to have some musty odor on the items you haven’t worn for long. To prevent this predicament from happening too soon, you can spray some of Jólét Co.’s Oh Baby – Baby Powder Aromatics. This all-around spray is a perfect match for freshening up kids’ closet areas, bedrooms, and even the bathroom.

Tools for decluttering the kitchen

The kitchen is easily one of the areas in the home that becomes a victim of clutter. For some reason, we tend to accumulate old bags, food takeout plastic ware, extra spoons, forks, knives, and all that junk tossed in a cabinet out of sight.

However, this state can’t keep for long. There’s only so much space you can have in your room, and decluttering is essential to give way to new items you will keep for the rest of the year. To avoid clutter, you need to get rid of these kitchen items that are in excess:

  • Expired food or those which are already stale/subpar in quality
  • Excess food containers that you know you won’t use
  • Kitchen appliances collecting dust in your storage area
  • Pots and pans which have extensive damage
  • Extra plastic or paper bags that keep piling up
  • Extremely dirty and unusable towels

All these things must either be thrown, donated, or sold depending on their kind. A part of the best spring cleaning checklist in the kitchen is usually large boxes, disinfecting wipes, and a scrubbing sponge for the wet areas.

To keep your kitchen area fresh, you can also apply a fresh odor eliminator such as Jólét Co.’s signature Elegancia Scent. It has hints of white wine, lemon, pear, peach along with a base aroma of oak. It can leave your kitchen smelling fresh, sweet, and elegant in an instant.

That’s it! I hope these spring cleaning must do’s helped you out with your plans this coming season. As always, don’t forget to check out Jólét Co.’s Aromatics and Lip Gloss Line.

They also sent me this wonderful lip gloss that highlights the natural light pink color of my lips! The great thing about it is that their lip glosses are free from mineral oil, preventing clogged pores if ever they get on your skin. Check out their lip gloss collection over here as well.

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13 thoughts on “Best Spring Cleaning Checklist: Jólét Co. Aromatics

  1. Oh this post gives me so much anxiety thinking about it! However, you have some great advise and products to help lessen the blow!

  2. I hate thinking about our Spring cleaning! We have been purging old kids’ toys and clothes from the basement, closets, storage areas…all of it needing to be cleaned now that it’s emptying out. I want to try a few of these to see if they help with the “boy smell” that seems to be a part of my home. Thanks.

  3. I always do a deep cleaning in our house to avoid the unpleasant smell. Aside from that, I am also using some products that will help me to make my keep home so clean and pleasant to everyone.

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