Auditory Memory Disorder: Strategies To Improve for Kids and Adults

auditory memory disorder

Auditory memory disorder is the inability of a person to remember details they have heard. When people struggle with this, they often have problems recalling discussions, instructions, and details told to them. Children can have this condition which is often a symptom of another developmental disorder, or adults can develop this because of other brain-related issues. Perhaps, you have come to this post because you are a caregiver, educator, or a clinician looking for auditory memory strategies to help a child or an adult.

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Can Auditory Memory be Improved? My experience

I have worked with both children and adults regarding their auditory memory disorder conditions. In my experience, this skill can be greatly improved with consistent practice. There are specific auditory memory activities you can do both for children and adults to help them recall the details of what they heard, such as:

  • In detailed instructions
  • In stories
  • Previous discussions
  • Or ordered sequences of items

In this post, I will be sharing some of the auditory memory games and activities that have worked for my clients in the past.

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Auditory Memory Disorder: Top Strategies to Use

Recalling in natural settings

One of the simplest ways to improve auditory memory is to help the adult or child in recalling through daily experiences. You can do this in many ways, such as recalling a process such as in cooking, finishing an art project, or doing chores. It is important to practice auditory memory by giving the information orally at first, and then giving other cues as needed.

For example, in a baking task, you can discuss about the ingredients. You can talk to the person and say “Today we will be needing, oil, flour, and eggs.” After this, ask the person to recall what you said again. If the person is struggling, you can give cues such as showing the ingredients visually or repeating what you have said. Constant practice will help them recall longer details over time.

Using structured workbooks

Workbooks are also a great help especially for children and adults who need auditory memory activities in speech therapy. These are already laser-focused activities which target the many aspects of auditory memory, such as in recalling items, remembering details in a story, or keeping in mind specific items in a question to give a right response.

If you are looking for a comprehensive auditory memory workbook for children (which is also applicable for adults), I recommend checking out “Auditory Memory for Kids”. This workbook gives you a lot of items to target in the areas I discussed such as items, questions, and stories. You can find the workbook in Amazon:

Workbooks and sit-down activities help in further mastery as it allows the person to concentrate on the task needed to improve.

Listening to songs, poems and stories

You can do another auditory memory disorder activity by listening to songs, poems, and stories from a device. Sit down with the child or the adult, and you can listen to such pieces together. After listening, ask them to recall some details such as “what lines come before/after”, some wh- questions related to the piece, or ask them to recite or sing a part.

Many songs, poems, and stories have unique rhythm and melody details that help in improving auditory memory.

Participating in conversations

Engaging in conversations is also one of the best ways to improve auditory memory. It is very difficult for some people who have auditory memory disorder to follow through conversations if they have problems recalling what the other person just said.

Thus, constant participation and engaging the person through question and answers, giving time to comment, or expanding the topic can help in practicing auditory memory in natural settings.

I hope this post helps you out in improving auditory memory for a child or an adult. As always, don’t forget to check out the Auditory Memory Workbook in Amazon:

Also read:

How to Teach Prepositions: Easy, Simple Ways

Can’t Answer Questions? Auditory Processing Disorder In Adults Or Children

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5 thoughts on “Auditory Memory Disorder: Strategies To Improve for Kids and Adults

  1. Great post, I found it very informative and you offered some great advice. I like the idea of the workbooks.

  2. Such a detailed and informative way to raise awareness for auditory memory disorders. A post this allows us to spread more info on how we can be of help to people with this kind of problem.

  3. Thank you for bringing awareness to this condition.. Each person has some way they learn better and other ways they struggle to learn, and in addition, some people may have certain conditions like this one which adds to their learning struggles.. Figuring it out earlier and adapting strategies that help can make things less frustrating for sure

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