How to Feel Calm When Anxious: 4 Easy Ways

how to feel calm when anxious

Anxiety is a pretty common experience for many of us. Some of us will have it from time to time, and others will experience it frequently especially when there are triggers. Since having one thought can send you into a downward spiral, it can be helpful to mitigate the spiraling by finding out ways on how to feel calm when anxious.

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How to feel calm and relaxed: The source of anxiety

Anxiety is the brain’s response to a potential threat. In some cases, it can be helpful to have this response mechanism, if there is a real danger to yourself or your loved ones. However, for many people, this response can be on an “overdrive” mode, which causes the many symptoms that include panic attacks, loss of focus, and other mental health symptoms.

What are some easy ways on how to feel calm and happy? There are simple ideas you can implement.

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How to Feel Calm When Anxious: 4 Easy Ways

Focus on your breathing

One of the easiest ways to ground yourself when feeling anxious is focusing on your breath. It is part of the mindfulness practice that activates your body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for slowing down your respiration and heart rate, making you feel relaxed.

Sometimes, shallow, fast breathing exacerbates the feeling of anxiety, and that is why deep breathing is one of the easiest, effective ways to quickly tone down if you feel like you are spiraling.

Try natural options

Another way on how to feel calm when anxious is to try natural options such as the diffusing oils such as lavender, peppermint, or chamomile. Drinking tea with these plants can also be a great alternative. Of course, make sure to try these upon the approval of your physician, making sure that you don’t have any counter-interactions with supplements or other medicines you take.

Lavender, peppermint, and chamomile have inherent elements that promote sleep and relaxation, so you can either take them as tea or place a diffuser in a room where you commonly stay in.

Have a sensory display

Racing thoughts can also be a cause of anxiety. When you think about so many things in a short span of time, this can bring feelings of panic or loss of control. One way to help you on how to feel calm is by having a sensory display such as a lava lamp, a glitter lamp, or having a view on your monitor screen where you can stare for a while.

The sensory experience will help reduce the racing thoughts, dialing down the feeling of panic or loss of control.

Planning your day

Another way to avoid a sense of panic is by planning your day. Although it’s important to know that some things may not go exactly as planned, it can help to have some bases covered so you know what to expect in a given situation.

Make use of to-do lists, planners, or even phone reminders so you have a visual representation of things you need to do.

We hope this post has helped you on how to feel calm when anxious!

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