How to Know If A Guy Likes You: 4 Ways

how to know if a guy likes you

This post is for the single women out there. Perhaps you are not yet on the dating stage, and you want to make sure if a man is right for you or not. You may have even found yourself searching for articles online about “how to know if a guy likes you”!

If you have just looked for one, well, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, I will be talking about the signs that can help you confirm if a guy likes you or not.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.

How to know if a guy likes you: is there a way to make him like you?

If you’ve set your eyes on someone you like, of course, you don’t want to keep on guessing. There are ways to get a man’s attention without being desperate. I have found this video and program called: “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave”.

This program has received positive reviews and has helped a lot of women regain their confidence and attract the guy they desire. You can watch this FREE VIDEO about it to get started.

How to know if a guy likes you: what are the signs?

You may catch him staring at the corner of your eye, and there are some conversations here and there that keep you wondering. However, there are sure-fire signs that you can look out for to truly confirm if he likes you or not.

He remembers small things about you.

A guy who really likes you doesn’t just remember the big things–he remembers every detail about you! Well, not exactly every detail, but he is sure to remember things that you won’t expect an acquaintance would.

For example, he can remember the name of your dog, the fact that you don’t like cilantro or even your favorite color. These are small details that wouldn’t necessarily remember if you’re not interested in someone. You don’t know these details if you consider someone a plain friend. It means that he may want to get to know you more.

He asks you out on thoughtful dates.

Guys who are interested in you suddenly become thoughtful. Thoughtful means they take the time to plan about the things he wants to do with you. This is not just some last minute call to come to his house–he plans things more than that.

He may remember the things you like and he will do something that’s related to that. For example, he can take you to the concert of your favorite band. He can also take you to a picnic where he brings you a gift that he knows you would like. You would know that a guy really likes you if he puts effort on the activities he wants to do with you.

He admires you in a respectful way.

How to know if a guy likes you? Simple! He admires you, but in a respectful way. He doesn’t just admire your physical “assets” or thinks of you objectively. As Jesse Mccartney puts it, “I want you and your beautiful soul”. He may admire your mind, the way you smile, your beauty, and not just your body.

When a guy is serious about you, he will respect you and will not flatter you with words because he has “other agendas”. He will want to admire you just because you are admirable.

Recommended book for the week

How To Get A Man Without Getting Played: 29 Dating Secrets to Catch Mr. Right, Set Your Standards, and Eliminate Time Wasters

How to Attract Men Worth Dating and Get the Guy You Really Want

When it comes to finding a suitable mate for a passion filled, committed relationship, one of the things men want most in a woman is self-possession, or said another way, womanly poise.

When high-quality men come across a woman with poise they crave her respect, her approval, and most importantly, her love. Men like this understand that a woman’s poise reflects her self-worth. And they know that a woman can only act with poise when she’s placed a higher importance on her dignity and well-being than she does on ANY man.

It is this unique female attitude that drives a man wild with sustainable desire, the kind of desire that makes him eager to commit to a woman and claim her as his own. Available in Amazon.

He says it.

Last but not the least, and the biggest confirmation of them all is when a guy says that he likes you. Here’s the thing about men–they don’t usually beat around the bush. If they like someone a lot, it’s not about the mixed signals anymore. They are pursuers, and if they see something they like, they will do their best to pursue it.

If they admitted that they like you, verbally, then that’s a green flag! He likes you, there’s no way to deny it.

How to know if a guy likes you: be the woman he adores

Do you ever wonder why some women get to attract men compared to others? The truth is, you don’t have to change your personality. It isn’t about overhauling yourself. It’s about changing your mindset about men and dating.

As you begin to understand what keeps a man’s interest, you are sure to improve your perspectives and change the course of your dating life.

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