5 Ways on How to Be More Confident

how to be more confident

Ever had the experience where you need to go in front of a crowd and speak? Or when you were assigned to lead a certain group of people? Or simply talking to someone about your plan to go do missions and you need people to support you? Ever wonder how to be more confident?

I did. A lot of times, actually. I have instances where even though I prepared and memorized the facts that I need to present during scientific journal discussions, I still feel anxious and have doubts with myself. Instead of presenting an amazing fact, I end up being embarrassed and come out as not prepared. I also had an experience where I was assigned to play the keyboards during the praise and worship in church. Even though I practiced at home and with the band, due to my lack of confidence in myself, I end up being scared and was not able to give my best because of my anxiousness.

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These are the situations where confidence is needed. However, there are times when we can’t help but feel unconfident and are instead engulfed with fear and anxiousness. And it is during these times where it so frustrating because even if we want to do our best, because of our lack of confidence, we end up being doubtful which leads to failures and some mistakes.

BONUS: Social confidence coach reveals the secret to conversation confidence

Working on your confidence means working on a skill that requires you to be confident, and this is seen in the way you converse with people! In this video, a social confidence coach reveals the secret on how to be more confident with your interactions with others.

Being confident is one trait that all of us should embrace and master. Why? Because in life, we are bound to present, communicate,  and showcase ourselves in front of the watching world. Aside from these, we also are making decisions every day and being confident with oneself is needed in making big decisions.

But, the question of how to be more confident still lingers. What are the ways we can do to be more confident in what we do and in ourselves? Let me share you my experience with this aspect.

How to be more confident

Know the One who created you

I have learned that the first step of being confident is knowing who created you, that is knowing the character and personality of God.

How do you do this? By spending more time with Him. Just like any relationships, you get to know the person more if you spend more time with them. Same goes to knowing God. Choosing to spend time with God – having a personal devotion time, prayer and reading His word – will let you know who He is and His role in your life.

I have experienced before where I don’t have confidence in myself and I have a very low self-esteem. Even though I know I’m so much more, I was hindered because of my lack of confidence. I was starting to question God why I am I like the way I am and end up spending more time in inquiring to Him. It is during these times where I learned about His faithful, graceful, and loving character. Slowly, without me noticing it, knowing who He is in my life and how trustworthy He is eventually built up my confidence. Not on myself but His goodness and love.  

Embrace who you are

The next thing I realized after knowing who God is and why He created me is that I need to embrace who I am. By knowing the character of God, He also helps you in knowing who you really are.

My confidence increased when I realized that I am different than the rest of the people in this world. This opened my eyes that I have weaknesses and strengths and that it’s okay if I’m not like other persons.

Know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and designed each one of us specifically for His purpose (Psalm 139:14). See? This frees us from comparing ourselves to other people who we think are better than us because each of us is unique. Embracing who you are is crucial in building your confidence and be more confident. Once you know and accept that you are different from the others and that you don’t need to be like anybody else, this takes away the pressure that you need to be perfect.

Learn to accept the possibility of mistakes

Another way on how to be more confident is accepting that there is a possibility that you will make a mistake.

We are not perfect beings, yet and we cannot deny the fact that we have weaknesses that we need to work on. Being able to accept this fact helps you to just enjoy the thing that you need to do and savor the experience, with or without mistakes. Well, it is good that we aim to be excellent but having this kind of mindset lets you focus on being perfect and on the idea that you must not make mistakes.

Do you always find yourself stressing the small stuff?

Do you find it hard to let go of things that otherwise you have no control over? Does it make you anxious? In this book by Richard Carlson, it teaches you specific techniques to let go of things that won’t matter in the long run.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff… And It’s All Small Stuff

This groundbreaking inspirational guide–a classic in the self-help genre–shows you how to put challenges in perspective, reduce stress and anxiety through small daily changes, and find the path to achieving your goals. Find in Amazon.

Give yourself a break and know that there will come a time that mistakes will be made but don’t let this stop you from enjoying the thing you need to do.

Do what you have to do

To gain more confidence, you also have to do your part. Do what you have to do.

I have observed that I lack confidence in playing the keyboards at church when I don’t practice the songs that I need to play. This shows me that for me to be confident, I need to my part and that is to practice.

If you need to go up the stage and speak, then study and learn your topic. If you need to talk to someone and present something, familiarize yourself with the thing that you are presenting and know your purpose why you need to communicate it. You must learn to do what you need to do.

Have the right source

One way to help you be more confident is to have the right source of confidence. Know that everything in this world is temporary. If we put our confidence in the temporary, there is a tendency that it will not last. So, you must have the right source, that is putting your confidence in the eternal – God.

Once you learn to put your confidence in God, you know that your supply is unlimited. This will give you the comfort that whatever that is you are doing, He will be your supply of strength, wisdom, and confidence.

Learning to be more confident can be hard and can be a long process. Whenever you are in a situation where you don’t feel confident and everything is overwhelming, remember that God is with you and He will never leave you behind (Deuteronomy 13:6)

Words by: Hannah Aloyon

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