Ways To Make Money On The Side: Tips to Remember

ways to make money on the side

Earning a good income is hard to come by nowadays. Even with a degree to back you up, or if you have a savings strategy in place, you may still want to increase your income. Whether you’re a mom like me, or just someone who wants to have some extra cash, perhaps you’re finding ways to make money on the side.

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Also read:

Ways to make money on the side: My story

I became a stay at home wife not by choice but by circumstance. My husband is in the military and we move from intervals of as short as 3 months up to a year. This made it inconvenient for me to take up a local job, so I was thinking of ways to make money on the side. I wanted to use the extra money for savings so that one day we could have a ready downpayment for a home once my husband and I settled down.

Writing is one of my passions, and I was able to find freelance jobs online through much effort and perseverance (learn some strategies here). I started with several content websites until I landed in a private rehab company looking for a health writer. This was a job I can take anywhere without interfering with our constant moves. It’s also something that kept me busy and expanded my general knowledge base.

And so, if you’re someone looking for ways to make money on the side, I hope that these tips I will be sharing can help you out.

Ways to make money on the side: Effective strategies

Capitalize on your skill set

The first thing you have to think about when finding ways to make money on the side is to recall skills that you’re good at.

Remember that being good at something does not necessarily translate to something that you love. However, when you realize that you’re good with that certain skill, you begin to love what you do.

So it does not have to be something that you love right away. It could just be something that you are good at—selling products, writing, making crafts, playing music, or even organizing. List your top five skill set according to your proficiency.

Start looking for jobs or opportunities that match your skill set

After thinking about your skill set, you can now start looking for jobs or entrepreneurship opportunities related to your skill set.

I have a knack for writing, and so I used my previous profession (Speech-Language Pathologist ) to relate it to a more specialized skill set. So I became a health writer. The private company I am currently working for also needed spiritual topics, so I connected health and spirituality as well.

I am also interested in blogging for income, so I also started to find ways to make money online through my own blog.

Freelancing and entrepreneurship gave me a nice side income that I added in our family’s savings and a little bit of money for my hobbies (travel and shopping! Hehe!)

There are job boards online that you can look at. If job hunting is not your thing, you can think about starting a business using your skill set. If you’re good in creating music, perhaps sell some audio loops to gain income through royalties. If you’re good in selling, maybe you can try affiliate marketing.

Brush up your resume or credentials

This is applicable for those who are looking for a job. If you’re looking for a job that requires highly specialized skills, you may need to update your resume.

It helps to take online courses. When I started freelancing, I took a blogging and copywriting course in Udemy to brush up on skills I needed to impress employers. It’s not necessarily an academic achievement, but it helps employers see that you’re taking the effort to learn more about your desired field of work. 

Even if you’re taking the path of entrepreneurship, taking time to study more about the path you’re taking in business helps increase your chances of success.

Think about your goals

Speaking of success, it greatly helps to know the reason why you’re looking for ways to make money on the side.

Is it for your retirement? Your child’s college fund? For an upcoming travel? Whatever it is, it can help to write down your goal on an area of your home where you can see it every day.

It can be something as simple as: 

Side hustle goals:
#1: Save for a trip to Europe
#2: New car downpayment

Seeing your goals visibly can help you stay motivated in your goals. If you really want to be productive and earn more money, you can use this Side Hustle Productivity Book to get some valuable nuggets of information about being efficient in your work or business.

Starting a side hustle or making money on the side can be daunting especially if you’re a first timer. However, applying these techniques can help you gain a clearer perspective and improve your chances of creating a solid income.

Don’t forget to check out these links:

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