Can My Relationship Be Saved After Cheating? Things To Know

can my relationship be saved after cheating

No one enters a relationship thinking that they will be cheated on. It all starts rosy-colored and filled with hope, until a single event shatters your trust. Now, you may wonder, “Can my relationship be saved after cheating?”

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[Special] Can my relationship be saved after cheating? Make your relationship strong

Cheating can be a painful and unexpected occurrence in the course of your relationship. However, there are still ways to make your relationship strong over time.

In this guide called 1000 Questions for Couples, you will learn to communicate your needs and become open with your loved one. Sometimes, all it takes is to ask the right questions to set your relationship in the right path. Click here to know more.

If you’re looking for a quick answer when you’re asking “Can my relationship be saved after cheating?”, my response would be, “It depends”. Below, I will be discussing some factors and things you should do to save your relationship (if it is indeed worth saving).

Can my relationship be saved after cheating? Things to know

Ask yourself: What are your non-negotiables?

In a relationship, there are what we call non-negotiables. Non-negotiables are things you know are deal breakers such as:

  • Cheating (whether sexual, physical, or emotional)
  • Having different religious backgrounds
  • Having different views on parenting
  • Financial issues
  • Bad habits

Every person has their gauge of non-negotiables. Some people would consider cheating to be a non-negotiable, while others don’t. The thing is, if you feel like cheating is a part of your non-negotiable, then it will be very difficult for you to save your relationship.

So you need to ask yourself, what makes your relationship worth it? Are you willing to give up a non-negotiable for this person, or do you think things can never go back to the way they once were?

This will help you pick the course you will take about your relationship.

Identify patterns of behavior

If you’re asking, “can my relationship be saved after cheating”, you also need to see if this occurrence is likely to happen again. You need to look beyond rose-colored glasses and see your partner’s pattern of behavior.

Did they cheat on someone with you before? Have you forgiven him for a past mistake and it happened again? Identify these patterns of behavior. Chances are, if your partner has done this multiple times, it is likely that they will do it again.

Ask yourself if it is worth the heartache to save the relationship if there is a pattern of cheating.

In this book, Chatting or Cheating, you will learn to identify patterns of behavior and signs that your partner may be committing infidelity. Click here to find in Amazon.

Set boundaries and agreements

If you do give your relationship a second chance, it is best to set boundaries and agreements about the things you do to stay committed to each other. For example, if your partner cheated on you through the use of social media apps, it is best to get rid of those apps from then on for the both of you.

If cheating happened because he talked to a girl in the gym, then set boundaries by deciding to go to the gym with him or doing home workouts together.

These boundaries and agreements must be followed by the both of you to make your relationship work.

Lift up your relationship to God

Cheating is a very sensitive topic when it comes to highly committed relationships, such as in marriage. The Bible tells us that we must forgive those who hurt us, but this is even more magnified in the context of marriage. God sanctified marriage and it is a lifetime commitment. Colossians 3:13 says:

“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

If this is the case for you, I encourage you to lift up your relationship to God. I may not have the exact answers in your situation, but God does and He will reveal it to you in time. Just continue to trust Him at this season of your life, and He will help you through it.

It is a different thing however if cheating happens in the context of dating relationships. Before entering into the vows of marriage, you must inspect your partner’s character in order to avoid the heartaches of committing to someone whom you cannot trust. 1 Corinthians 5:11 says:

“But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed…”

This means that we have to be careful with our ties to people with questionable character, and break the ties before it leads to something you need to commit to for life.

I hope these insights helped you out. If you’re still asking “can my relationship be saved after cheating”, the answer depends on your unique situation. I hope that everyone who reads this post and goes through this difficult situation will feel enlightened and comforted. Find wisdom in God’s Words and continue to seek peace in Him.

Don’t forget to check out the resources I posted:

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