Boosting Immune System with Food: What to Eat

boosting immune system with food

This uncertain times have led us to seek ways in improving our health. Whether it’s wearing protective gear, drinking supplements, or taking a more active lifestyle, there are many ways to continuously protect ourselves from the present virus that’s spreading. Of course, many of us would want to consider ways on boosting immune system with food.

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I have personally discovered that food affects so much of my health. When I am eating food high in fat, sugar, and preservatives, I tend to be sluggish, bloated, and more sickly. When I focus on eating whole food, I tend to feel more energized. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with a treat or two during the day or even on the weekends. However, what worked for me is always having a balanced, healthy diet to improve my health.

Pro tip: Always choose whole food over junk food!

In this post, we will discover some foods that strengthen the immune system.

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Boosting immune system with food: Top foods to eat

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. This is what gives these fruits a sour taste. If you’re looking to boost immune system with fruits, the first thing on your list should be citrus items.

Some examples of affordable citrus are:

  • Oranges
  • Mandarins
  • Lemon
  • Grapefruit
  • Lime

The best way to go about eating these fruits are eating them whole. Cut them into wedges and have them as a snack. For lemons and limes, you can make a fresh juice by using a juicer, adding 1-2 tablespoons of juice, with a teaspoon of honey, sugar, or sugar substitute.

For children, you can peel mandarins or buy non-sweetened mandarin oranges in fruit cups.

Red bell peppers

Did you know that red bell peppers even contain more vitamin C than some citrus fruits?

Red bell peppers are a great source of Vitamin C in vegetables.

Yes, you heard that right!

Not only that, but red bell peppers are also versatile. You can use them in stir-fry dishes, in salads, grilled vegetables, or even Mexican recipes. You can also try gourmet red bell peppers as snacks.

Here are also some great red bell pepper recipes:


One of the most well-known healthy immune system foods are broccoli. Like bell peppers, broccoli is also a versatile vegetable, thanks to its very basic flavor profile.

You can make omelettes with broccoli, include it in your soups, or even turn into green juice for a morning shake.

If you’re wondering how to make your kids eat broccoli, there’s nothing more classic that adding some cheese sauce. For babies, you can use a processor to blend it in with their rice and sauces.


Ginger is known to reduce inflammation and fight off a potential sore throat. This is why it is a known ingredient for teas as well as soups.

Ginger reduces inflammation and fights off a budding sore throat.

To make ginger tea, simply boil 3 small pieces of peeled ginger on a pot. Allow to boil for 10 minutes, and simmer afterward. You can drink it as it is, or you can add honey, sugar, lemon, and other types of sweeteners.

Ginger can also be placed in soups. If you want to try a Filipino dish, I recommend cooking Tinola for a hearty ginger-filled meal. This is a common recipe to boost immune system when sick.

I hope you found this post helpful! Of course, don’t forget to pair it with drinking lots of water, getting enough rest, adding physical activity and including mostly whole food in your diet. When fighting disease, boosting immune system with food is a great way.

Not only do we need to care for ourselves externally, but also being mindful of what we put in.

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