4 Ways to Improve Mood and Energy

ways to improve mood and energy

Fall is here, and this is why some people feel more lethargic than usual. With what’s going on in the news, coupled with some challenging life situations (sickness, loss of job, homeschooling), circumstances can really take its toll on your whole being. This is probably the reason why you’re finding ways to improve mood and energy.

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Ways to improve mood and energy: My experience

The two times where I recall being so tired was when I was in college and the first time I became a mom. I was so exhausted that coffee wasn’t even working. Our exams were back to back and I would fall asleep even hours into drinking coffee. Only sleeping for around 1-2 hours, I’d have to get ready to take the bus for my exams in the Uni the next day.

The second instance where I wished I could improve mood and motivation in my life is the first time I became a mom. My baby would wake up several times a night (around 2-3 times) and uninterrupted sleep feels like a far-fetched dream. I was cranky, mad at my husband, and just sleep-deprived in general.

Thankfully, I am in a better place now. Although I won’t say I am invincible from getting moody or tired, here are some things that definitely worked for me.

Ways to improve mood and energy: Tips that work

Exercise and shower in the morning

One of the ways to improve mood naturally in my experience is to have something that you can feel refreshed and energized in the morning. A simple way to do that is by exercising and showering. Your exercise doesn’t have to be an hour-long one, even simple stretches along with a quick shower will do.

I noticed that it is easy to improve mood fast when I take a shower. This is so helpful when I feel sleep deprived, as it helps waken up my senses for a long day ahead.

Going outdoors

Going outdoors has been my go-to for improving mood during these challenging times. I used to go to malls, restaurants, and other indoor recreational places. Since the pandemic, everything has been so limited. Thus, we spend time at least once a week for outdoor activities whether it’s in the yard or parks.

There are studies that show how nature helps boost your mood. Staying connected with the natural environment allows us to feel a sense of calm. Perhaps walking in a park, staring at a sunset, and just sitting in silence in front of a spectacular view is just what you need to feel better.

Improve your sleep hygiene

I noticed that I become moody when I am sleep deprived. The lack of proper sleep can bring the worst out of people, not just in terms of their mood but also their health.

Thus, one of the ways to improve mood and motivation is to create a better sleep hygiene. Some of the things you can incorporate include:

  • Sleeping at the same time every night: Having a consistent sleep time helps your body achieve a stable circadian rhythm, preventing you from having insomnia.
  • Avoiding caffeine starting late afternoon: You may be tempted to have that cup of latte at 4 pm, but it is not advisable to take caffeine at 4 pm onwards as this will trigger sleeplessness.
  • Gadgets off: Any device that shows ambient light should be taken away at least 2 hours before bedtime.

For me, what personally worked is drinking melatonin supplements. I have been taking melatonin lately to help trigger a drowsy state. The great thing about melatonin is that it is a natural supplement with the least side effects, if any.


I admit, the reason why I have some lousy mood days lately is because I tend to neglect prayer times in certain situations. When I am so swamped with house and work tasks, it’s my mistake that I don’t get to pray.

However, it shouldn’t be that way. Prayer should be our priority not only because it improves our mood, but it is our connection to the sole Author of joy. The Bible tells us that:

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13

God has the ability to restore peace and joy in our hearts. The more we pray, the more that our “mood” doesn’t depend on circumstances but rather on God’s assurance.

As you recognize that this is one of the ways to improve mood and energy, you’ll soon discover that you can keep a consistent prayer routine by:

  • Praying every morning along with your devotions
  • Keeping a prayer list
  • Having a habit of constant “conversation” with God

Prayer is a way of life–rather than confining it with certain periods of the day, be in the mindset of constant communication with the author of Joy.

That’s it! I hope you found this post helpful to improve mood fast. These are more long-term solutions that you can incorporate in your day to day. If you have other mood enhancing strategies, I encourage you to share them below.

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12 thoughts on “4 Ways to Improve Mood and Energy

  1. Exercise and shower works soooo well to perk you up. It makes such a huge difference. And prayer, wow, that’s a big one. I always feel so much better when I pray regularly.

  2. These are great reminders! My mood has been all over the place the last 6 months with everything going on in the world, and my energy has been so low. It’s so important – you’re right, to get outside and spend more time in prayer and resting. Working on that now before homeschool starts!

  3. All 4 of these are HUGE for me – they are definitely pillars of wellness and a great place to start if you’re feeling burned out!

  4. All of these tips are so amazing! Going outdoors and being active truly helps improve anyone’s mood.

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