Eco Friendly Potty Training Tips: Nest Diapers

eco friendly potty training

Sustainability shouldn’t just be a wishy-washy goal–it should be our future. When we think of our kids, their future should also be in our minds. Protecting the environment by having sustainable practices is one of the ways to do our part. This is probably the reason why you are looking for eco-friendly potty training tips and even materials you should try.

This post is brought to you in part by Nest Diapers, a California-based company that features diapers that are sustainable yet disposable. Each Nest Diaper is created with plant-based fibers, which means the materials eventually decompose upon disposal. With sustainability at their core, Nest Diapers’ goal is to cater to parents and caregivers who care for their little ones and the earth. Learn more about Nest Diapers here.

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Eco friendly Potty Training: Is It Possible?

As a parent, it always crossed my mind how many diapers I was using with my little one on any given day. On average, AJ goes through 3-4 wet and at least 1 dirty diaper every day. I imagine the amount of waste that can bring to the earth, multiplied with all the babies in the world!

It is easy to say: “Geline, that thought is too big!” Sadly, it is the reality that we are facing now. Landfill garbage just keeps on piling up, especially when people do not do their own little part in having sustainable practices.

Thus, I will be showing you some strategies that you can have eco friendly potty training without having drastic lifestyle changes.

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Eco friendly potty training: Tips that work

Switch to eco friendly potty training pants

My toddler is at the stage where he is close to transitioning from diapers towards using a small potty. At the age of two, I plan to take solid steps in training him to use the potty, especially during the day.

At this stage, you can do your part in eco friendly potty training by using sustainable diapers such as Nest.

I found them to be of superior quality compared to the brands in major stores, much more absorbent and can hold more weight. These sustainable baby diapers are a good addition to your potty training arsenal. The best part about having these diapers is that they are disposable yet eco friendly, which lessens the burden of cleaning if you’re a busy mom.

Use a designated absorbent cloth for the occasional mess

It can be tempting to use wipes constantly when cleaning the occasional mess of potty training, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

Since these problems won’t always happen, you can use a designated microfiber or absorbent towel to clean up the mess every now and then. If possible, you can also use biodegradable wipes that are plant-based like Nest Diapers.

To lessen the unexpected mess, teach your child early on the different ways to communicate their urge to go. There are different cues that children show when they are about to go, so keep a note of things such as:

  • Being silent
  • Stopping an activity
  • Strained face

These signs will allow you to teach words such as “potty” while ushering them towards the toilet. With Nest Diapers, accidents are less likely to happen due to its highly absorbent composition.

Washing hands while conserving water

Eco friendly potty training isn’t just about the things you use, but also the principles you are teaching. A part of complete toilet training is teaching children how to wash their hands.

Sustainable practices include closing the faucet when not in use, such as when reaching for the soap and rubbing the soap. You can instruct your child to close the faucet during these times to help imbibe ideas of water conservation.

Maximizing each material

It can be an unconscious habit to dispose of something, such as diapers so easily even when not fully used. However, another helpful eco friendly potty training tip is to maximize all the materials you use.

Whether it’s Nest Diapers, wipes, towels, or paper towels, practice and teach your child to maximize the life of each item especially when they are clean and are still functional.

The core of having sustainable practices is reducing waste and increasing reusable materials. By being mindful of these two principles, you can successfully have eco friendly potty training and all other crucial parenting choices.

I hope you found this post helpful! Don’t forget to visit Nest Diapers to learn more about sustainable, plant-based diapers.

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Eco friendly Potty Training: Subscribe for more

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16 thoughts on “Eco Friendly Potty Training Tips: Nest Diapers

  1. We’ve always tried to stick with environmentally friendly diapers or cloth. I’ve not heard about this brand yet, thank you for sharing the news of them!

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