How to Help Child With ADHD At Home: Tips That Work

how to help child with ADHD

Is your child recently diagnosed with ADHD, or are you noticing some signs of it, and are on your way to finding help? What are some ways to aid your child in organization, thinking skills, and other areas of executive function? In this post, let’s explore some ways to on how to help child with ADHD at home.

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How to help child with ADHD At Home: My experience

Being an SLP in the initial part of my career, I have worked with children who have been diagnosed with ADHD. Many parents have asked me how to work with a child having ADHD.

Commonly, my lessons plans contained working on different goals such as attention, holding conversation, and organization skills. Since children with ADHD have different ways of thinking, there are some things we can teach them in order to adapt to different goals such as completing homework or academic requirements, or doing household chores.

Below, you’ll see some tips you can start on how to deal with a child with ADHD at home.

How to help child with ADHD at Home: Strategies that work

Work on multi-step tasks

To practice different skills such as organization, thought processes, and accomplishing goals, you can start to do some multi-step tasks such as cooking, playing a board game, or doing a particular household chore.

Practice with your child by writing down or discussing the steps. For example, if you plan to cook something, it can be great to look up a recipe online, or create a recipe yourself by writing it down. This helps your child organize your thoughts around the topic, and prime their mind to think of what’s going to be ahead.

Take note of your child’s mode of learning (are they visual, auditory, or movement learner?) and integrate it on your planning stage. Let them do the task with much independence and involvement as possible.

Use ADHD resources at home

Another way on how to work with a child with ADHD child or how to manage a child with ADHD in school, you can use some resources like workbooks or particular games.

In my resource, “ADHD Workbook for Kids“, you can target specific areas such as:

  • Regulating Attention
  • Time Management
  • Planning
  • Working Memory
  • Metacognition
  • and more!

To get your own copy, you may purchase it in Paperback and Kindle versions in Amazon.

Such resources will give you an easy-to-access strategy to quickly work on skills needed in order to progress from goals either needed in school, therapy, or for better ways to do daily tasks.

Introduce planning and organizing tools

Planning and organizing tools exist for children even as young as preschool age. All you have to do is be aware of the age-appropriate tools you need for them to be effective.

Here are some examples.

For preschool age, you can start to use things like visual schedules (drawings and photos arranged based on the order of when you will do it). A simple whiteboard display will do.

For older children, you can introduce planners and checklists that can help in organization and planning.

Showing them how to use it such as checking off tasks or planning the week ahead will help them in areas such as time management, planning, and organization.

Work on a hobby

One of the ways on how to help child with ADHD at home is to work with a hobby such as sports, arts, music, or anything that requires concentration, dedication, and attention to detail.

Through these hobbies, your child will enter a state of flow, and can work on the different aspects of thinking, organization, planning, and even creativity.

We hope these strategies have helped you out. As always, don’t forget to check out ADHD Workbook for Kids in Amazon.

Read more:

How to Help Your Child With Problem Solving Skills

Sequencing Activities for Kids: Why It’s Important and How to Teach

How Can I Improve My Child’s Executive Function? What to Do

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