How To Start Being Productive: Effective Strategies

how to start being productive

Whether you’re someone who wants to crush your goals, or simply wants things to get done, productivity is a sought-after trait. In a time where everything appears instant and we can use technology to our advantage, procrastination has seemed to find its way in our daily habits. Thus, many people wonder about how to start being productive again.

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When I became a wife and eventually a mom, I realized that time is one of the resources I couldn’t waste. I can earn my money back, and I can continuously buy things I lost. However, time wasted cannot be gained back. This is why thought about certain strategies that have helped me on how to start being productive.

How to start being productive: Effective strategies

Adopt a morning routine.

I realized that what I do in the morning affects the ‘groove’ of my day. When I start sleep-deprived, lazy, and without a schedule in mind, my productivity gets thrown out of the window. Thus, it can be helpful to adopt a morning routine to get you pumped up for the day.

For me, one of the best ways to boost productivity is doing my devotionals and exercising. I found that exercising first thing in the morning helps me to have more energy and mental clarity. As a Christian, I also find it helpful to offer the first part of my day to read God’s Word. This sets my heart on the right direction:

This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

One book that many people swear by is the Miracle Morning. In this book, it teaches you how to have your own morning routine and sticking to it consistently. You can find this book in Amazon.

Have a to-do list.

Whether you’re the planner type of person or just someone who wants to keep a little notebook, having a to-do list can help boost productivity. This is because having a visual prompt for the things you need to accomplish can help you stick to it during the day.

I am both a planner and a notebook type of person. It is important for me to list down the things I need to do to accomplish for the day. Good thing I have found this reusable planner that doesn’t have to be replaced year after year. This is an economical option for those who want a good place to put their to-do list as a way on how to start being productive.

Try the Pomodoro technique.

If you haven’t heard of this technique, this is basically a time management tool where you do undistracted, productive work for short bursts of time (usually around 20-25 minutes) and then taking a break for a few minutes. The process repeats itself in cycles.

Rather than dilly-dallying for hours on end with no breaks, the Pomodoro technique can help you on how to start being productive since it helps improve your concentration on tasks without compromising your need for short breaks.

To do this, simply set an interval timer for 25 and 5 minute intervals for four cycles. After four cycles, place a 30 minute rest period. You can repeat this cycle over and over again until your work time is done. This helps set your mind to become more productive on those 25 minutes of work.

Use caffeine to your advantage.

I am definitely not the coffee type of person, but I realized its effectivity when I had a baby. During the day, I was frustrated that I couldn’t get other things done because I am physically tired of tending to my baby’s needs. I love my baby, but there must be some other way to get my energy back.

This is when I started to drink coffee at opportune moments. I drank coffee for the times where I need my focus to be at its peak, which is during the morning when my baby is asleep. Programmable coffee makers are the best! I finished my freelance work articles just before he wakes up, and then I am ready to start the day with him.

My tip is to drink coffee before the late afternoon hits and do as much as you can before that time so you can just wind down during the evenings. However, I understand that this may not work for everyone. You may have an aversion to coffee, then tea would be your best alternative.

Also, having a healthy, whole foods diet improved my energy levels as well! More energy means more tasks to be accomplished.

I hope these strategies will help you as much as it helped me. Here’s to more checklists ticked off, and a happier, productive you.

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