When Should I Let Go? 5 Signs to Move On From Your Relationship

move on

Breaking up is one of the most difficult things any person must face. However, breakups are necessary especially when your relationship isn’t healthy anymore. Little problems are normal, but other factors can be something serious and should tell you something about what’s really going on. Thinking about past memories may make it even more challenging to move on.

You could also feel a sense of regret especially if you’ve been in the relationship for quite some time.

Or maybe, you’re thinking about how others would see you as a single person.

Do you really need to move on or not? If you are seriously thinking about leaving your partner for the best, be wary of these warning signs.

Move On? Watch this video

If you have decided to break up, or just wanting to learn more about how to move on, you can watch this video about 5 essential ways to survive after separation.

The video gives a complete guide on how to be strong after a breakup and keeping yourself well in this difficult season.

5 Signs That It’s Time To Move On

1. Physical abuse exists in your relationship

Honestly speaking, any form of physical abuse is not seen in a healthy relationship. In many instances, individuals who go through this form of abuse are either afraid to tell others because they might be judged, or they are being threatened by their partners.

Signs of physical abuse include being beaten up, being grabbed tight, threatening to be hit by objects. Sometimes, even the smallest hint of hurt can also be considered physical abuse especially if done repeatedly. This is a sure sign that you need to move on. Being hurt physically is not only damaging to your mental wellness, but it can also give possible threated your life.

2. You view your relationship as a negative experience than a positive one

All relationships will go through challenges. Whether big or small arguments, it’s all part of being a couple.

A relationship that’s healthy will be able to get through these difficult times and come out strong. A couple’s stability is shown when they see these hurdles as a lesson to grow even closer together. But if your relationship is causing you more pain than happiness, and if your friends or family see that it’s also damaging you as a person, then it could be a sign that you need to move on.

People get into relationships because they believe that they will be better together, not worse together. If you honestly think that you could be better off alone, then maybe you’re right.

3. You don’t see a future with your partner

It’s ok for people to test the waters in the beginning phase of dating. As time passes by, your commitment to each other should increase. A terrible sign that you need to look out for if you need to move on is when you just don’t picture yourself being with your partner for the rest of your life.

You may have thought of things that you want to accomplish that seems unlikely if you stay with your significant other. It is not wrong to think of yourself in this situation because you will only find peace if you’re truly contented in your relationship

If deep down, you think that there’s no point in continuing the relationship, then it’s time to step up and do the difficult, but the right thing. Who knows? Being honest with your partner may also be a way to save your relationship for the better.

4. You don’t respect each other anymore

Learning how to say your piece in difficult situations is one of the most common problems in relationships.

Couples who survive these ordeals learn how to communicate properly with their significant others. However, if you find yourself continually losing the respect to do what’s best in your relationship, then it may be another sign to move on. Lack of respect comes in many forms.

It could be the way you talk, the way you give time, or the way you manage things that could affect your relationship.

The will to respect your partner is the gauge of your love for them. If you just don’t feel like working out things anymore, then it is more likely a bad sign.

5. You have the wrong motives to hold on

As you contemplate your love life, it may be good to think about the reasons why you’re staying with your partner. Sometimes, people stay in relationships because they want to please their family, they need the money, or they just feel scared of being alone.

These reasons won’t being true happiness. It can even lead to more regrets in life.

To be truly content in any relationship, you need to hold on to the right motives. Anything apart from the desire of just loving your partner under no conditions may be a sign that you have to move on.

Relationships can cause heartache and confusion, but in most situations, it doesn’t have to be. Loving someone should allow you to feel companionship, security, and contentment.

Whether you decide to stay or go, watch out for these signs and listen well to your instincts.

You will either save your relationship or save your life from a season of regrets.

Move On? Watch this video

If you have decided to break up, or just wanting to learn more about how to move on, you can watch this video about 5 essential ways to survive after separation.

The video gives a complete guide on how to be strong after a breakup and keeping yourself well in this difficult season.

Other related resources

Needing to find strength in what you’re going through? Don’t hesitate to contact us, or make use of these top-recommended resources to help you find clarity:

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