How Does Pregnancy Affect Marriage? Things to Know

how does pregnancy affect marriage

Pregnancy is not just about the formation of life in the womb, but also a complete transition in a woman’s life and the people around her. There are many changes that happen to a mother-to-be, and this can potentially affect how she deals with others and her significant other. If you are expecting or thinking about starting a family, you may be wondering how does pregnancy affect marriage.

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How pregnancy affects marriage? My personal experience

As of writing, I am currently pregnant with our second child. I already have experience of how some dynamics in marriage change especially during the critical periods of the first trimester in pregnancy, as well as the closing moments leading to labor and delivery.

It is one of the most challenging moments I had to go through physically, which in turn changed how I dealt with my husband, but I am thankful for a supporting partner who sought my needs during this time. In this post, I want to share some insights on how does pregnancy affect marriage, to give you realistic expectations and prepare you physically, mentally, and emotionally during the entire experience.

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How does pregnancy affect marriage? Things you should know as a couple

Pregnancy takes a toll physically and mentally on the mom-to-be, leading to some changes in the routine.

It is important to know that pregnancy can be very challenging for some. I am happy for women who have had easy-breezy pregnancies, but I am definitely not one of those women. During the first trimester (even up to the second), I have nausea most of the day, having bouts of vomiting, as well as fatigue. I was basically incapacitated for a while and was able to do only the core tasks to survive.

This means I couldn’t cook, clean, or even take showers on some days. How does this affect your marriage? It means that if the mom-to-be does most of the tasks at home, the husband should step up and do most of the physical work or chores until she says she is able to do it.

Some husbands can have difficulties grasping these challenges of a pregnant woman, so it is important to speak up about what you feel and be clear about what your man can do to at least lessen the burden on your part.

Intimacy can take a backseat

Intimacy is an important part of marriage. However, the sickness and discomfort of pregnancy can put a temporary halt to this aspect, so it is crucial to also discuss expectations during this time. You can express intimacy in other ways you are comfortable, such as being physically close to each other.

If this is an issue and you are thinking about “how does pregnancy affect my husband”, it is essential to let him know about what you are currently feeling at the moment and what you can give at this point in your pregnancy. Communication can go a long way in paving way for empathy during this challenging time.

Sharing the excitement with each other

I would also like to share how does pregnancy affect marriage in a positive way. If you have a supportive partner, you will find that they will share the excitement of a pregnancy with you. They will imagine the new life you will have in the future, help you plan ahead, and provide support as you go through appointments and all the things you need to do in each stage.

I believe that this part of building a family is one of the best things that kept our marriage strong. The anticipation of the new life made us both happy, and this in turn strengthened our bond.

Keeping our faith strong

Pregnancy is a challenging time not just for you but also for the people who support you. If you are a person of faith, I believe that it is an opportunity to keep your faith strong along with your husband. You can encourage each other to pray for your health and the baby’s health. You can also take the times you are resting to read Scripture and meditate to find comfort.

We have leaned to God during difficult times of pregnancy, labor, delivery, and also the earlier stages of raising a baby. This journey kept our faith strong and allowed us to mature as a married couple even more.

So, mama-to-be, don’t be afraid! Having realistic expectations, sharing what you feel and need, and keeping your faith can help you course through the journey of pregnancy while keeping your marriage strong.

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3 thoughts on “How Does Pregnancy Affect Marriage? Things to Know

  1. True, pregnancy does impact marriage, and keeping focus on each other and on the little one joining the family helps… I recall my spouse became extra cautious and caring during my pregnancies…. 🙂

  2. We definitely had a lot less sex as I just never felt in the mood, and I had some mood swings, but other than that our marriage didn’t really take a backseat until the baby arrived. When our daughter was older, we made more of an effort to date each other again and now still have date nights.

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